● preparation of labor contracts, job descriptions, rules for internal labor
order, declarations, etc .;
● preparation of all necessary documents related to the procedure for
reduction of employees;
● due diligence reports, including complete information of the
employment situation of the company.

● consultations related to taxation and indirect taxes VAT and excises in particular
● appeal against all kinds of acts issued by the NRA or local authorities
● all types of tax registrations VAT, authorized warehouse keepers and others.

● providing documents related to proceedings before administrative bodies
● contesting all kinds of denials of administrative authorities and of all administrative acts before all instances.

● advice and assistance in the selection of appropriate objects for
investment in the country and analyzing the most suitable forms for
the acquisition of property or limited property rights by foreign
investors, including through establishment of a company or special
purpose entity;
● complete verification of the validity of property rights and the lack of
burdens as well as third party rights on real estates;
● participation in negotiations and preparation of preliminary contracts
and notarial acts with owners and construction companies for land
acquisition, finalized projects, projects under construction and
upcoming construction; full legal assistance for investment projects in
acquisition of land and construction of commercial and office centers,
holiday resorts, gated communities, residential buildings; leases and
real estate management and multifunctional shopping centers;
litigation in property law cases.

● general corporate banking and provision of collateral;
● servicing of bank transactions letters of credit, bank guarantees, etc.

● consultation of unfair competition, damage to the reputation of
competitors, deception, imitation, unfair attract customers, misleading
and comparative advertising, disclosure of trade secrets;
● consultancy relating to the concentration of economic activity in
mergers, infusions, acquisitions and other cases provided by the Law
on Protection of Competition, legal assistance for notification and
obtaining permission by the Commission for Protection of
● advising companies with monopoly or dominant market position;
● consultation relating to restrictions to prohibited agreements,
decisions and concerted practices relating directly or indirectly
regulate prices, allocating markets or sources of raw materials and
other anti-competitive clauses;
● consultations on the conditions for exemption from the prohibition of
certain agreements, decisions and concerted practices, including the
applicability of block exemption;
● representation before the Commission for Protection of Competition
and the Supreme Administrative Court.

● registration of tour operators and travel agents;
● registrations of growers;
● registrations of constructors in the construction register;
● registrations of any kind of non-governmental organizations;
● obtain visas and Bulgarian citizenship by foreigners.